I Could Have Told Him!

This article based on Mark 15:39 in the Bible, when the Centurion said, “Truly this man was the Son of God.”




I Could Have Told Him!



Centurion Soldier at the cross
Watched and saw Jesus die
Non-believer heard Jesus cry
Jesus died, paid the awful cost
Soldier said, “truly, must of been
The Son of God,” I could of told him
Not only the Son of God, you see
He’s the Lilly of the Valley
He’s the Lamb of God, you and me
Blood shed here, the cost tally!
He’s the Morning Star, Light of the World
Why He came, lived and died
I could have told Him who and why!
He’s the Rose of Sharon, Bread of Life
He’s the Truth, the Way, and the Light
The Anointed one, He’s the Messiah
I could have told him, He’s the Christ!
He’s Alpha and Omega, He’s God almighty
He’s the Rock and He’s the Living Water
He’s the Lion of Judah, Lord our Righteousness
I could have told him, who they crucified!
He’s the Good Shepherd, Horn of Salvation
He’s the King of Kings, Creator of creation
He’s our Passover, He’s the Prince of peace
He’s our Hope, He’s the Mighty Redeemer!
He’s the Only Begotten Son, the True Vine
He’s my Savior, He’s Almighty God Divine
Why didn’t he ask me? I could have told him
This was the One to come, Him they prophesied
This man is Shiloh, and one that heaven knows
I could have told Him and I can tell him more
They’ll bury Him, but on the third day He’ll arise!
Here a little while, then heaven, Father’s side
I can tell you, receive Him, His Spirit in you forever abide!


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